General :: Accessibility

Logotipos de uso de HTML  e CSS válidos e cumprimento de accesibilidade nivel AAThe internet was created as a universal web for the acquisition and use of information. However it can also act as a barrier for citizens with any types of disability.

It is for this reason that at Mardelaxe we try to eliminate, where possible, the most common barriers that older, physically, psychologically, cognitive or sensory disabled people face when accessing the web.

During the creation and design phases of our website we took into account Web Content Accessibility guidelines (WCAG), so that regardless of their circumstances our users are able to access the content on our site.

The format on our website conforms to the recommended standard set by the W3C. The elements that make up the content follow the AA priority level guidelines set by the World Wide Web Consortium and the pages using the (CSS) style also adhere to the standard set by the W3C.

Easy access Keys

To facilitate web browsing. Below we will provide you with some easy access keys that will take you to the main menus.

Alt + l: Galician
Alt + x: Mardelaxe
Alt + b: Guided Tours
Alt + m: Traditions
Alt + k: The Fish Market
Alt + h: Laxe Fishing Association
Alt + z: Aula del Mar Classroom
Alt + u: Past Memories
Alt + d: Fishing Communities
Alt + p: The Fishing Blue Book
Alt + r: Virtual tour
Alt + l: News
Alt + 2: What to see
Alt + 3: Catering and accommodation
Alt + 4: Links
Alt + 5: Weather
Alt + 6: Email
Alt + 7: Accessibility
Alt + 8: Legal Notice